Safeguarding and Wellbeing Hub
St Edmund Campion School views the health, wellbeing, safety and welfare of its students in the highest regard. We are committed to safeguarding and with a community spirit, we work together to ensure that our students grow and thrive in a safe and supportive environment, regardless of their age, ethnicity, religion, disability, sexual identity or gender. We have very high expectations on all staff to share these values. We are committed to providing regular training in relevant safeguarding and child protection issues and are kept up to date with changes in legislation and practice.
The school is pro-active in its approach to working with outside agencies to safeguard children and young people, seeking the most relevant support for individuals and families. St Edmund Campion works with external organisations to help promote and educate on safeguarding themes within the school. This is also achieved through covering safeguarding topics in the curriculum, assemblies and through the everyday pastoral systems in place at our school.
We are dedicated to ensuring that children and young people are valued, respected, listened to and taken seriously especially with regard to their safety and wellbeing. We actively encourage our students to report concerns and we provide a safe, supportive environment for them to do so.
St Edmund Campion have a team of designated safeguarding leads who have undertaken appropriate safeguarding training, but we also ensure that safeguarding the students and promoting student welfare is paramount to each member of staff working at our school.
Safeguarding team at St Edmund Campion
Mrs J Fleming - Designated Safeguard Lead/Mental Health Lead
Deputy Designated Safeguard Leads
Mrs J Mattu - Safeguarding Support Officer
Mr J Roche - Pastoral Manager
Mrs E Taintey - SENCO
Mr A Grant - Principal
Mrs J Quoroll - Vice Principal
Mr J Harrison - Vice Principal
Miss K Ironside - Assistant Principal
Miss J Harrison - Pastoral support
Mrs J Marks - Safeguarding Governor
Contacting the Safeguarding team at St Edmund Campion
Out of school hours:
By E mail:

Supporting You
- Bharosa - A domestic abuse service for ethnic minority women living in Birmingham
- Carers UK - Charity to help people who look after an older, disabled or seriously ill family member or friend
- Cruse - Free bereavement service
- Educate against hate - Advice for educating your child on a variety of topics
- Edwards Trust - Supporting adults and children through bereavement
- From Birmingham with love - Support and advice for you and your family and access to Early Help
- Gingerbread - Multiple areas of support for single parents/carers
- Midland Heart - Supporting you find a home for your family
- Mind - Multiple support agencies for parents/carers/young adults
- Newtown Housing Options Centre - Emergency Housing Assistance
- Refuge - A 24-hour free helpline for victims of domestic abuse
- Route 2 Birmingham - The definitive guide to local voluntary and community health and care services in Birmingham
- St Martins Counselling and Psychotherapy - Accessible counselling & psychotherapy, in-person or online
- The Birmingham Crisis Centre - A 24-hour free helpline for female victims of domestic abuse
- The Mix - Essential support for under 25s
- The Waiting Room - Multiple areas of support for parents/carers
- Turn2us - Benefit and grants eligibility checker
- Womens Aid - Supporting women who have experienced domestic abuse
Supporting Your Child
- ABC - Anorexia Bulimia Care
- Beat - Support and advice for Eating Disorders
- Beyond the Horizon Charity - Supporting children and teens through bereavement
- Birmingham St Mary’s Hospice - Supporting children and young people through bereavement
- CEOP Online Sexual Abuse
- Online Safety
- Online Safety Advisor
- Forward Thinking Birmingham - Mental health support for 0-25 year olds
- Mermaids - LGBTQ Support
- NSPCC Keeping Children Safe
- Open Door Counselling - Free counselling for children and young people up to the age of 25. Approach your GP for a referral
- Papyrus - Prevention of Young Suicide
- Parent Info - Information on a variety of topics
Family Hubs Parenting Course Leaflet for ProfessionalsParent Newsletters
Presentations In School
World Mental Health Day Assembly
Mental Health Awareness Week
Supporting You
Students against depression
Kooth - Free online anonymous support chat service
Young Minds – Mental health support for children and young adults
Childline – Advice and support on a variety of topics
Pause – Drop in support sessions to help you with your mental health
Forward Thinking Birmingham – Mental health support for 0 – 25 year olds
Mermaids LGBTQ Support
NHS Moodzone – Suppot and advice for; anxiety, stress and depression
Beat – Support and advice for Eating Disorders
ABC (Anorexia Bulimia Care)
Spurgeons Young Carers – Support for young carers, talk to Mrs Mattu if you think you may be a Young Carer
Loudmouth - Relationships and safeguarding programmes to support your RSHE education
We are united in our view that improved wellbeing among our staff at St Edmund Campion is a key outcome for education policy. Our staff are a precious resource: we value you, your wellbeing and your mental health. Looking after your wellbeing and mental health is crucial not only for you, but in securing better outcomes for our students, including their own wellbeing and mental health.
Westfield Health
Helping you to lead a happier and healthier life. Login here to access your account
Support Agencies
Open Door Counselling – Free counselling for young adults up to the age of 25. Approach your GP for a referral
Forward Thinking Birmingham – Mental health support for 0 – 25 year olds
The Waiting Room – Support and advice on a variety of areas
Mind – Information and advice for a range of topics
Educate against hate - Resources and advice for educating students on a variety of topics