School Trips
At St Edmund Campion we believe that taking part in school trips or residentials are exciting and valuable opportunities for pupils. We are committed to providing our pupils with an enjoyable, enriching and memorable educational experiences.
School Trip Behaviour Code of Conduct
By consenting to your child going on a school trip you are also agreeing that you have read and understood the below code of conduct and have taken time to go through it with your son/daughter. They must understand what is expected from them.
Taking part in a school trip or residential is an exciting and valuable opportunity for pupils. It is our intention to provide all pupils with an enjoyable and memorable educational experience. To ensure this happens, it is vital that pupils understand what is expected from them and demonstrate high standards of behaviour at all times. Pupils and parents must recognise that running a school trip is a significant responsibility and pupils not behaving appropriately places everyone at risk which is unacceptable.
Please be aware that the school’s behaviour policy applies to trips and visits. The below list is not exhaustive and consequences for poor behaviour are at the discretion of the trip leader.
The school reserves the right to withdraw a pupil from any trip should it be deemed by the trip leader and Principal that this code of conduct has been breached. Where a pupil is withdrawn from a school trip or visit, parents or carers will be responsible for any costs involved in transporting their child and accompanying member of staff.
The school also reserves the right to refuse to take a pupil on any trip should it be decided by the Principal that their behaviour inside or outside of school prior to the trip has caused concern. If a pupil is suspended for any reason this may lead to withdrawal from a school trip. This will be at the Principal’s discretion. Whilst the school may attempt to recover any trip costs via school insurance the school will not provide a refund for the cost of the trip.
- Pupils must always demonstrate good behaviour. The school’s behaviour policy (which can be found on the school website) applies to pupils who are on a trip or visit.
- As pupils will be representing our school they must refrain from any action or behaviour that might bring the school into disrepute.
- For the benefit of everyone we expect pupils' co-operation by being helpful and sensible showing consideration for others.
- Pupils are expected to participate fully in all trip activities/events to the best of their ability following all safety advice.
- Pupils are to follow all instructions and rules for each activity, attraction or during free time. This includes getting to assembly points on time and staying within organised groupings. Instructions given by all teaching staff and other responsible adults must always be obeyed, without delay.
- Pupils are not allowed to smoke, vape, take drugs or other prohibited substances or consume alcoholic drinks at any time. Pupils must not be in procession of any of these items at any time.
- Pupils must not behave in a way that is judged by staff to be detrimental to the health, well-being or safety of themselves or anyone else.
- Pupils will take full responsibility for all valuables and personal property on the trip.
- Pupils accept that they will be responsible for any damage that they may cause and will be expected to pay for any damage caused. All damages or loss of equipment must be reported to a member of staff.
- Pupils are to remain seated with seatbelts on while in motion. On forms of transport where pupils are free to move around, staff will instruct pupils on where they are allowed to go.
- Pupils will avoid causing unnecessary distress or discomfort to fellow passengers. This includes playing music or videos without the use of headphones.
- Follow instructions for the safe embarkation and disembarkation from transport.
- Pupils will ensure that all litter and rubbish is disposed of appropriately.
- Pupils will be punctual and must stay with their allocated group for all activities.
- Pupils will only participate in an activity when an instructor or qualified member of staff is present.
- Pupils should not use their mobile phones on school trips unless the trip leader has given permission. The school operates an invisible phone policy.
- Pupils will return straight to their own sleeping accommodation at bedtime and will adhere to the lights out times.
- Pupils will keep their rooms clean and tidy, and will not go into, or visit, any dormitories/lodges/rooms other than their own.
- Pupils understand that they are not to purchase banned items or purchase duty free items (if the trip is abroad).
- No pupils are to leave the accommodation without the express permission of a member of staff.