
The Textiles Department

  • Mrs B Chesters - Textiles Teacher

Curriculum Intent

Textiles is entwined in our everyday lives from the clothes we wear, to the interiors in our homes and the transport we use. The textiles curriculum provides a gateway to a range of career opportunities for the future, but it also teaches our students basic life skills, in particular sewing, but also transferable skills such as, project management, communication, and commercial awareness. Our approach to textiles comes from an artistic standpoint, where students will think about the meaning and substance behind pieces of work, while using the formal elements to gain an understanding of how to compose visual work effectively. Building on this, students have a broad and balanced range of opportunities to explore textiles skills enhanced by knowledge of cultural practices in response to a selection of themes. Our engaging and challenging curriculum aims to encourage students to explore, enjoy and develop their creative and critical thinking. To understand the world around them and to be responsible citizens, aware of the importance of sustainability within modern society.

Key Stage 3

In Key Stage 3 Textiles students create a Design and Make portfolio that provides them with the opportunity to develop practical, theoretical, and disciplinary knowledge.


Throughout the course, students have the chance to revisit and build upon their knowledge of different techniques, concepts, and processes in fresh ways so that they can become more proficient craftspeople. This is reflected in the sequential way that we assess Textiles at Key Stage 3.


Yr. 7 – Ugly Puggly /Hand puppet project.

Students are introduced to Textiles and why it is important in society and in everyday life throughout the world. They explore the history of puppets and puppets around the world and gain inspiration from contemporary artist Junker Jane. Students make an original felt fabric hand puppet using industry and arts and craft practices and processes: They create their own pattern from a block pattern to construct their 3D hand puppet using hand sewn applique, hand embroidery and decoration/embellishments techniques.



Yr. 8 – Day of the Dead “All Saints/All Souls” wall art/clothing decoration.

Students explore their design brief and Day of the dead festival to understand the world around them and links to the Catholic faith. They record an individual sugar skull/calavera design inspired 

by Dia De Muertos and Mexican arts and crafts. They create an original calavera print and stitch artwork using transfer print, hand embroidery and machine stitching techniques.



Yr. 9 – Under the sea fabric postcard project.

Students explore their design brief and contemporary textiles artists to understand how to be responsible citizens through sustainable textiles practices and processes.

They record an individual under the sea plan/design using the principles of art and design to inform their work.

They explore, develop, and create a wide range of textiles techniques to create an individual mixed media fabric postcard using industry and arts and craft practices and processes, with, pattern drafting, machine stitched applique, fabric manipulation, hand embroidery, decoration, and embellishments techniques.

Key Stage 4

At Key Stage 4 students build upon the practical, theoretical and disciplinary knowledge that they have acquired from their KS3 course.  


YR 10: AQA Core unit project component 1:

In Textiles pupils create a personal response to a theme.

In year 10 they explore natural forms and analyse artists, designers, and associated craft persons.

They explore and experiment with varied materials and processes, creating samples in the style of artists.  Students annotate and review work. They record their own focus area through observational photographs and studies linked to the theme. They create, develop and refine samples in the style of artists. Students record design Ideas, applying, combining, refining textiles techniques while annotating and reviewing work to enhance their own experiences.


Artist workshop (Jennifer Collier):

Recycling/paper dress project. Students investigate and analyse Jennifer Collier work, exploring techniques in the style of the artist. Students understand future pathways, attend the artist workshop, and create a personal response paper and wax dress outcome.

YR 11: AQA Core unit project component 1:

Pupils present a refined and well-planned personal response/Final design with refined samples and annotation. Students create a made outcome and evaluate their project.

AQA Component 2: ESA (Exam project):

Students research one of the seven exam theme titles. Titles change every year and are set by the exam board. In previous years exam titles have included: natural forms, textures, wearable art, archive and collections, maps, the elements, messages, and spaces. Students analyse and explore their chosen title through mind-maps and artist analysis. They explore and experiment when creating samples and refine samples inspired by their theme. They record observational studies and plans/design ideas for a final piece. Create a time plan for their ten-hour practical exam – where they create a refined final piece/individual personal response to the chosen title.

Exam Board GCSE AQA 


Useful Textiles Links

Curriculum SummaryTextiles Learning Journey

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