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Message from the Headteacher
Dear Parents and Pupils
Welcome to the start of a new school year. It has been a very special couple of weeks for me as I take up the reigns as Headteacher of this wonderful school. I would like to thank parents and pupils for their kind words and I have spent a lot of time walking the school and there is a very positive atmosphere. Pupils are really showing excellence in their own standards in lessons and around school and I thank you all for supporting us. It has been a busy start to the term especially with our successful open evening being on Tuesday. It was a very well attended evening and it was good to see so many parents and year 6 pupils full of positivity and praise for the school.
I would like to extend a special warm welcome to our new year 7 pupils. All 201 of you! You have started your Campion journey fantastically well and have started as you mean to go on. Well done, I am very proud of you all as I know what a difficult time it can be, moving to secondary school.
Welcome also to our new staff and any other pupils who have just joined us this term. I hope your time here at Campion is fruitful and enjoyable.
It is important for us to keep up the communication with you as parents and carers. This newsletter is published each week but we also have a twitter account and make good use of Parentmail. You will also see all key dates for the year published on our new website You can also contact Heads of Year and Form Tutors should there be any issues you would like to raise about your child.
Kind Regards
Mr A. Grant