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Dear Parents/Carers
Today is our feast day here at school as we celebrate the life of our patron St Edmund Campion. Pupils enjoyed learning today about his life as a Jesuit priest and his influence during 16th century England. Thank you to Father Joe for saying Mass today as part of our celebrations.
Well done to year 11s and 13s this week on completing the first week of their mock exams and I am sure it will have been a very useful experience so far. All pupils have conducted themselves superbly this week and we are very proud of how they have risen to the occasion especially what will have been a tough couple of years leading up to this.
During the last weeks of term we will be celebrating Advent as we lead up to Christmas. We have decided not to go ahead with our carol concert due to the circumstances surrounding Covid and unfortunately the Cinderella trip has had to be cancelled. Once things settle a bit in the new year, we will look at what we can do instead.
In January we have been asked by the DfE to lateral flow test all consenting pupils prior to their return to school. We have decided to do this on Tuesday 4th January. Consenting pupils will only come in to school to take their test and we will send out designated times in due course over the coming days. Therefore, Wednesday 5th January will be the first full school day for pupils in the new term and we will keep you updated regarding this.
Please ensure that you are sending your children to school with their own face coverings as we are not able to provide these for pupils. We would also ask you to remind them of general hand washing/sanitising. I would also ask that if your child develops Covid symptoms that you do not send them to school and book a PCR test (you can do this very easily and quickly here:
I will leave you with the prayer of our patron St Edmund Campion
Wherever I may travel, May I always profess my faith in You, God
To Whom I owe all my obedience.
Grant that I may always have the courage:
To preach the Gospel, To speak out against injustice.
And to face all challenges without fear.
For by your will, I will go where I am sent
To carry any cross you lay upon me and never to despair.
For the price is paid and the work is begun:
It is of God; It cannot be overcome.
So our faith is planted:
So will our faith be maintained.
St Edmund Campion - Pray for Us. Amen
Kind Regards
Mr A. Grant