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Dear Parents/Carers
A huge congratulations to our year 11 football team who won their cup final 1-0 in a tight contest against Arena Academy. The team really have represented our school with distinction and we are very proud of their achievements. Once again, a big thank you to Mr Hall and Mr Reid for their management of the team.
There has been lots going on this week to raise money for various Lenten charities and there is a lot going on next week too. We’ve had car washes (thanks to the 6th formers who washed my car!), cake sales and sponsored silences. There are rumours of a certain headteacher taking part in soak the teacher next week but these are yet to be verified!
We are looking forward to seeing all the year 11 parents next Tuesday at parents’ evening. It will be a great opportunity for teachers and parents to discuss how your child is doing and what they need to do between now and when the exam season starts on May 16th. You will also get your child’s exam timetables etc.
The term ends on Friday and we will be sending children home at 2.20pm in the afternoon. Please remember that attendance on the last day of term is still compulsory and pupils will be having normal lessons on this day. Pupil attendance is something that all schools have to work hard on and it is vital that you are sending your child in to school. The only reasons you should keep your child off school are if they have:
• sickness and/or diarrhoea (pupils should stay off school for 48hrs at least if this is the case)
• a high temperature
• a medical appointment that the school has been informed about
There are also a number of parents who fail to contact the school if their child is off. It is absolutely crucial that we are informed of any absences as failure to do so leads to safeguarding concerns.
With regards to Covid the updated announcement says the following and applies from today:
Children and young people who are unwell and have a high temperature should stay at home and avoid contact with other people, where they can. They can go back to school, college or childcare when they no longer have a high temperature, and they are well enough to attend.
If a child under 18 tests positive then they should isolate for 3 days
We thank you for your support in this matter
I will leave you with this prayer as we lead up to Holy Week:
O Heavenly and Almighty Father, who sent his only Son Jesus to live and die as one of us, save me. For all wisdom, all strength, and all glory is in you. You are my rock and my redeemer, my shelter in the storm. In you I place my trust, so that I may have hope. Let me walk in your light all my days, seeking only you. I give you my life to love and serve you, following you in all that I do. Amen.
Kind Regards
Mr A. Grant