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Dear Parents/Carers
I hope you all managed to enjoy the bank holiday weekend and hopefully we will see a bit of sunshine over the coming days as we enter the month of May.
May is traditionally the month of Mary as we remember Mary’s commitment to God when she said yes to being the mother to the son of God. The link between Mary and the month of May became popular among the Jesuit order and by 1700 it had a firm hold among students at the Roman college. A short time later it was publicly celebrated in the Gesu church in Rome and later spread to the rest of the Church.
We held our governors meeting this week which was a very productive meeting. We discussed various matters ranging from budgetary issues to pupil attendance and admissions for our new year 7 cohort. We are very fortunate to have such a committed and knowledgeable governing body who very much contribute to the success of St Edmund Campion Catholic School. As always, our CSEL Mr Emery was in attendance and he is always very keen to acknowledge the hard work of the governing body. We do have foundation governor vacancies and if you are interested then please do contact us via the email address.
A few reminders for parents and pupils:
• If your child is absent from school you must contact the school to let us know. 0121 464 7700. The only reasons for absence should be
o Agreed medical appointments
o If your child has a high temperature
o If your child has sickness and/or Diarrhoea
• Uniform is important and all pupils must have the correct ties and be wearing blazers. Any jumpers should be black V neck jumpers
• Pencil cases are required equipment and calculators can be purchased from the Maths office for £5
I will end with this prayer to Mary
O Blessed Virgin,
pray to God for us always, that He may pardon us and give us grace
pray to God for us always, that He may grant us peace in this life
pray to God for us always, that He may reward us with paradise at our death
Kind Regards
Mr A. Grant