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Dear Parents/Carers
Welcome back to the final half term of this academic year. I hope you all enjoyed the extended bank holiday last week. We continue to keep our year 11s and 13s in our prayers as they sit their exams and I have to say we are very proud of them all and how they continue to show such resilience and dedication over this time.
We have also started our end of year examinations for the other year groups with year 8 and 10 sitting their RE exams last Monday and with more exams next week including year 7 starting on Monday. We wish all the pupils the very best of luck with them all and please do keep reminding them to prepare properly for them. Remember there are resources on our school website here:
Good luck next week to two of our year 7 students who are taking part in the next round of the UK Junior Maths challenge. This is an exceptional achievement as they are two of only a very small number of students nationally who achieved the Gold award.
If you or someone you know is interested in becoming a cleaning operative in school, our company Chartwells are advertising. Please see details in this newsletter.
With last Sunday being the Feast of the Pentecost I will leave you with this blessing:
May His tongues of flame burn out all evil in your hearts, fill you with His love and peace, and give you the gifts of His Spirit, and a voice to praise Him forever
Kind Regards
Mr A. Grant