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Message from the Headteacher

11 November 2022

Dear Parents/Carers

It has been yet another busy week here at St Edmund Campion with both our super learning day and sixth form open evening taking place this week. Super learning day on Wednesday was a fantastic occasion and it was lovely to see each year group involved in such a variety of activities. Year 9 had a fantastic time in London visiting both the Science and Natural History museums. So many of them came back telling us just how amazing it was there. The year 8 Catholic Life retreat was also very thought provoking as pupils focussed on our world and the environment and also on what it means to be an asylum seeker or refugee. 8B also produced a fabulous stained-glass window which we hope will adorn our reception area. Year 7 had a thought-provoking day on bullying with the Loudmouth drama production and subsequent workshops being very insightful for our year 7 pupils. Year 10 had a day on STEM and enjoyed the stock market challenge with the maths department whilst year 11 had a day thinking about their career options with mock career interviews taking place. I hope these were useful and gave pupils an opportunity to really think about their next steps.

Speaking of which, our sixth form open evening on Thursday was also a very special occasion and it was lovely to see so many year 11 parents and students there taking the opportunity to see just what this outstanding sixth form can offer them. A huge thank you to Mrs Griffiths and the sixth form team for their organisation of the event and to all the staff in attendance. It was also wonderful to see so many universities there giving the students the opportunity to think about their steps beyond post 16 as well as our careers advisor.

We are very much looking forward to welcoming year 7 pupils and parents to the year 7 parents’ evening next Wednesday. These are held in our sports hall and start at 4.30pm. Just a reminder that Monday 21st November is an INSET day in school so pupils are not required in school except for year 11 who will be sitting their English mock exam in the morning.

This morning we honoured those who fought and died protecting our liberty as part of our remembrance service. It was a privilege to witness the school being so reverent and respectful during the service and during the minute silence. It was lovely to welcome Mr Emery, our St John Paul II academy leader, to the service and thank you to Mr Sorroll and Mr Oxley for putting the service together.

A Prayer for Remembrance:

Ever Living God

We remember those whom you have gathered from the storm of war into the peace of Your presence; may that same peace calm our fears, bring justice to all peoples and establish harmony among the nations, through Jesus Christ our Lord


Kind Regards

Mr A. Grant

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