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Message from the Headteacher

12 November 2021

Dear Parents/Carers

It has been an amazing week here at St Edmund Campion with so much going on. On Tuesday we were able to have our first full super learning day here in school. It was such a wonderful occasion and huge thanks to all of the staff involved in the planning, organisation and delivery of the sessions. Year 7 took part in an anti-bullying day starting with a production from Loudmouth. Lots for year 7 to think about. Year 8 had their Catholic Life retreat day with a focus on our world in light of the COP26 conference and huge thank you to Father Elias who held mass with year 8 on Wednesday morning. Year 9 did lots of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) activities while year 10 took part in the stock market challenge. Year 11 did lots of work on writing CVs and preparing for the world of work including taking part in some mock interviews. I am sure they would have found this invaluable.

On Thursday evening we held our 6th form open evening in school and it was a wonderful event that was extremely well attended. Thank you to Mrs Griffiths and the 6th form team for their hard work in organising the evening and to all the staff in attendance. It was lovely to see so many pupils and parents (including from other schools) seeing what our outstanding 6th form has to offer.

Also, on Thursday we held a Remembrance service in the morning to remember all those who have died or have been wounded in service to our country. It was a very poignant occasion and I am grateful to all of our pupils for the reverence and respect shown during the occasion.

Next week is also busy with our 6th form parents evening on Thursday and the year 9 exams taking place later in the week. Year 9s do make sure you revise and prepare for the assessments and don’t forget that the practice papers to help you are on our website along with our curriculum plans here so you know what to study.

In a separate item within this newsletter I have outlined some concerns regarding Tik Tok. Please do read through and ensure your child is aware of the issues.

Ever living God

We remember those whom you have gathered from the storm of war into the peace of your presence; may that same peace calm our fears, bring justice to all peoples and establish harmony among the nations, through Jesus Christ our Lord Amen

Kind Regards


Mr A. Grant

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