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Message from the Headteacher

23 September 2022

Dear Parents/Carers

It has been another busy week here at St Edmund Campion. On Tuesday year 7 celebrated their first full year group Mass and many thanks to Father Royston for saying Mass. This was held in the main school hall and was a very joyous occasion. We are hoping that later in the year for their retreat day we will be able to take them to the wonderful Abbey church on Sutton Rd.

On Wednesday and Thursday, we held our year 8 and 10 information evenings. This gave parents information about curriculum, study techniques and much more including details regarding the forthcoming year 8 PGL trip which I know pupils are very much looking forward to. Thank you to all those parents who attended. If you do need more information on our curriculum and on individual subjects then please do take the time to visit the curriculum page on our website.

This afternoon sees the start of our TAG (Talents and Gifts) sessions with pupils opting to take on a broad range of different activities from crazy science, to eco club, to mindfulness as well as many different sporting activities.

The new academic year has started very well and it is credit to all our pupils and parents for supporting us. The vast majority are coming to school well equipped and in perfect uniform and also maintaining these standards throughout the day. If your child does need a new fully stocked pencil case these can be bought for £5 from the main office. Like wise calculators can be purchased from the maths office also for £5.

I will leave you with this short prayer:

Lord, You walk beside me, You are always there. Come be in my waking Go with me everywhere

Lord, Your hand will lead me, Your light will show the way, Come be in my thinking, Be my guide today


Kind Regards

Mr A. Grant

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