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Message from the Headteacher

30 September 2022

Dear Parents/Carers

It was lovely this week to celebrate Mass with Fr Isaac and year 8 on Monday followed by year 9 Mass with Father Elias on Tuesday. It is always nice to welcome our local Priests to school especially as we look to strengthen our links with our local parishes. Mr Soroll, our lay chaplain, also took our chaplaincy team to St Chad’s Cathedral to celebrate a commissioning Mass with Bishop Stephen Wright. The team did Campion proud and it was wonderful to see some of the photos on our chaplaincy twitter feed. We have also had a GCSE PE climbing trip this week as well as an Art workshop at the Birmingham gallery. Our pupils are always a credit to the school when they go on such trips.

As the colder weather starts to creep in it would be good to start sending your children to school with jumpers. Please note these must be black V neck jumpers and not round neck. Hoodies are also most definitely not allowed.

Just a reminder that next Friday 7th October is a teacher training day and school will be closed to all pupils (except for a small number of year 11s who are working on their coursework)

A Prayer for Being Grateful:

Lord God, may we be grateful for our lot, and compassionate toward all those

who are

suffering every kind of distress at this time. May we hold back nothing, and

hasten to be the ministers of prayer and mercy, like the disciples of Him who went about doing

good in times of need.


Kind Regards

Mr A. Grant

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