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Dear Parents/Carers
Another very busy week at St Edmund Campion! I must start with the PGL trip which has been an absolutely wonderful experience for the year 8 children who behaved extremely well and participated to the full in all the activities. A big thank you to all the staff who took the children and to the staff at PGL Boreatton Park. If you do get the opportunity then you can check out our Twitter feed @stedcamp to see some of the pictures. I am hoping that the pictures will be uploaded to the school website soon so you’ll be able to see them all there. We will start sending out details soon for the year 7 PGL trip which will be taking place next summer.
This week we welcomed some colleagues from local secondary schools in the north area as well as colleagues from BEP (Birmingham Education Partners) who came in to look at our SEND provision. It is part of a peer review process that the schools in the North Area Network take part in. They were very glowing of our SEND provision as well as other key elements of school such as behaviour and huge thanks must go to Mrs Taintey and her team for the provision they provide.
A busy week next week too as we come to the end of this half term. I am very much looking forward to year 11 parents’ evening next Wednesday. Please do make every effort to attend as it is a good opportunity to talk to staff prior to the mock exams as well as picking up some additional revision materials from them. Year 9 will also be sitting their progress assessments in the sports hall next Monday and Tuesday and I wish them every success. The schedule is in this bulletin.
Also, in this bulletin is a summary of the feedback from the recent parent questionnaire that was sent out last week and thank you to those of you who took the time to respond. We do appreciate your efforts and feedback.
Next week is the feast of St John Paul II and we will be gathering together as a multi academy community online on Wednesday morning. It is always a very joyous occasion being able to join up with our partner schools within the St John Paul II multi academy and I will leave you this week with our multi academy prayer:
Loving Father, we praise you for the gift of our unique academy family.
We ask for your guidance and wisdom to proclaim the Gospel.
Support us, in the challenges we face.
Inspire us, as we live out our vocation.
Guide us, to make wise and faithful decisions.
Let us not be afraid, open the doors for Christ.
In Jesus’ loving name we pray.
Kind Regards
Mr A. Grant