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Dear Parents/Carers
We’ve come to the end of what has been a very busy half term but very much a half term that has been full of rewarding experiences for our pupils. Highlights have included the PGL trip, the many chaplaincy events and the very poignant moment when we gathered as a whole school to reflect on the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.
This week we held the Catholic partnership Timetable Rockstars competition which was a fabulous event involving several Catholic schools within Birmingham. Congratulations to our year 7 team who ended up winning the competition!!
Well done to year 9 on completing their examinations this week. Their conduct and behaviour were excellent during the two full days of assessments.
Thank you to all of those year 11 parents who came to the parents’ evening on Wednesday. It was a very positive occasion and attendance was very high. I hope you were able to get lots of information from teachers as year 11 prepare for their mock examinations next half term.
On Wednesday we gathered online with pupils from our fellow multi academy schools to celebrate the feast of our academy patron St John Paul II. It was a fabulous occasion and it is always joyous to be able to share such occasions with children within our family of schools.
As the dark nights draw in can I urge you to talk to your children about keeping safe outside of school. You will I’m sure have seen a letter from myself and West Midlands Police about the importance of our pupils acting responsibly within our community especially during things like Halloween and Bonfire Night.
Uniform standards remain high in school. I would recommend that as winter very much approaches you send your children to school with jumpers. Remember, only black V neck jumpers are allowed and pupils must not substitute these with hoodies or round neck jumpers.
I hope you all have an enjoyable half term break and I look forward to seeing all pupils back on Monday 31st October.
We thank you Lord, for this half term. For our challenges, our successes, and the mistakes from which we have learnt. Be with us as we spend our time with family and friends.
Give us strength and courage to do what is right: to be witnesses of our faith. Help us to be a practical Christian this holiday, to appreciate what others do for us, to give time and effort to help others. To be peacemakers in our family.
Keep us safe in our activities; give us good rest and good fun. Bring us back refreshed and ready for a new term. We thank you for our classmates, teachers, parents and a community that cares for us.
And may we always be conscious of you in our lives
Kind Regards
Mr A. Grant