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Message from the principal

24 March 2023

Dear Parents/Carers

The week started off with a fantastic opportunity for our year 8 pupils as they were taken to the Globe theatre in London to see a production of Shakespeare’s The Tempest. At St Edmund Campion we believe it is so important to provide these opportunities for students. The pupils study Shakespeare in their English lessons but there is no substitute for seeing a live performance which brings the learning to life.

This week has been disrupted by the ongoing industrial action by national express workers. I know this has impacted greatly on a number of you. I know many of your children have been walking several miles to get to and from school each day and they are to be applauded for this effort!
Today sees the third of our super learning days in school and once again there will be lots of opportunities for the children to experience something different to their normal curriculum. Year 11 will be going to the careers fair at Edgbaston cricket ground and this will be a great opportunity for them to explore different careers and find out what they need to be able to follow their chosen career paths.

Next week we are having a new astro turf fitted in school. This is long overdue and is something that will certainly enhance our children’s PE experience. A big thank you also to Mrs Smith who has secured a grant to purchase some fitness equipment in school which means we will be able to set up a small gym in school for students to use.

Ramadan started yesterday and we wish all our Muslim colleagues, students, parents and community members a very happy Ramadan Mubarak.

This week I have been doing the assemblies for each year group and the theme of our assembly has been our new mission statement. Our motto of ‘Achieving Together Through Christ’ still remains but some weeks ago on one of the teacher training days we spoke as a staff about our mission and what we wanted to include in our mission statement. There was a lot to come out of it but we have managed to crystallise this into the statement below. I hope you agree that it is a very powerful statement and very much encapsulates our staff’s mission for your children. I will leave you with this mission statement and I hope you all have a good weekend.

Our Catholic mission is to educate, develop and inspire every unique child entrusted to our care to be the person that God calls them to be. Through Christ, our children will be empowered to thrive academically and spiritually within a community of dignity, love and respect.

Kind Regards

Mr A. Grant

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