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Message from the Principal

30 June 2023

Dear Parents/Carers

After last week’s Super Learning Day, it has been another very busy week at Campion with lots of opportunities for our pupils. On Monday we held our year 12 masterclasses for year 11s who will hopefully be joining our excellent sixth form next year. It was a fantastic day which included a free ice cream for the students!

 We are very fortunate in Birmingham to have a number of highly regarded universities with UoB, BCU and Aston. Yesterday half of our year 10s had the opportunity to visit these universities and ask questions about courses and university life. Their conduct was superb and I hope that each of them gained something from the day when thinking about their futures.

It was year 10 parents’ evening on Wednesday which was very well attended despite it clashing with Eid (something we will try to avoid next year) and thank you to all the parents who came. I hope you were able to have some very valuable conversations with teachers as your children move up into year 11.

Next Thursday 6th July is a St John Paul II Multi Academy joint INSET day and there will be no pupils in any of the MAC schools on this day. School is completely closed on this day so you will not be able to contact any staff.

As you will be aware, the National Education Union announced two further days of strike action and details around this have been sent out in a separate letter. On Wednesday 5th July years 9 and 12 will be in school and year 10 will sit a Maths assessment in the morning. On Friday 7th July years 7 and 12 will be in school. Please see the separate communication for further details.

This week was the feast of St Peter and St Paul and we were very privileged to welcome Fr Michael Vaughan to school who stepped in at the last minute to say an online Mass for us all. A huge thank you to Father for this.

Finally, we wish our Muslim community a very special Eid Mubarak.

O holy Apostles, Peter and Paul, intercede for us. Protect, O Lord, your people who trust in the patronage of your Apostles, Peter and Paul, and by their constant protection protect your people. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Kind regards


Mr A Grant

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