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Dear Parents/Carers
Last week our 6th form hosted a fantastic Macmillan coffee morning with lots of staff and students making cakes to sell. They raised over £500 for Macmillan; a fantastic effort! A number of staff also spent last Saturday completing the 20km Glow walk around Birmingham and ended up raising over £2000 for the Mental Health UK charity. Two wonderful examples of our ongoing Catholic Social Teaching in action. Thank you to everyone involved!
Year 10 will be having their assessment week next week and we wish them the very best with these. Monday 16th October is an INSET day and so school will be closed to pupils. However, Year 11 will be in school on this day completing practice examinations in Maths and Science.
We are now 5 weeks in to the new academic year and it is fantastic to see our students working so hard and behaving so well. Those are standards 4 and 5 (Work extremely hard, behave extremely well) Thank you to you as parents for your ongoing support for school. Please do continue to send them in to school in the full correct uniform and please do keep ensuring they have all the equipment they need for each day so that their learning is not affected.
Holy Spirit as we complete another week, help us to reflect on the gifts that you have given to us, and to be grateful for these gifts which have been creative in us. As we prepare to spend more time with our families, make us always aware of the needs of others. Help us to serve them and to be ready to show them your love. Keep us safe, always in your presence.
Kind Regards
Mr A. Grant