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Message from the Principal

13 October 2023

Dear Parents/Carers

This week year 10 sat the start of their key stage 4 examinations. Their conduct during these exams was very good and it was good to see that the vast majority were well prepared and had everything they needed. Remember, all pupils should have a fully stocked pencil case and a scientific calculator, both of which can be purchased from school.

On Tuesday we welcomed West Midlands Police in to school to conduct a knife arch. This is something that the majority of secondary schools in Birmingham do periodically and helps to promote the message that schools are safe places and that knives and weapons have no place here. All of the pupils involved conducted themselves fantastically and there were no issues (except for some chewing gum which was found and confiscated as chewing gum is not allowed in school. Please remind your children of this).

Monday is an INSET day in school and so no pupils are required in school except for year 11 who will be sitting Maths and Science examinations. We wish them all the best for these and this website is very good for Maths and Science revision:

This week has been dominated by the sad news from Israel and Gaza. The situation there is enormously complex and tragic and we pray that the leaders of both sides can work hard to find peaceful resolutions so that the loss of civilian life can come to an end. This prayer is the CAFOD prayer for peace in the Middle East.

“They will hammer their swords into ploughshares and their spears into sickles. Nation will not lift sword against nation, no longer will they learn how to make war.” Isaiah 2:4

God of Peace, bearer of hope, we seek your help for the peoples of the Middle East
Quiet the clamours for war and guide us towards peace
Where there is hatred and division sow seeds of calm and openness
Where there is destruction help us to rebuild
Where children are crying, bring an end to their tears
Shelter your peoples and protect them. Guide them and keep them from harm
Show us how to break down the barriers of history and fear and breath whispers of hope.


Kind Regards


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Mr A. Grant

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