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Message from the Vice Principal
Dear Parents/Carers,
We hope you enjoyed the May Bank Holiday and had a restful time spent with family
and friends. Despite it being a shorter week, it was no less packed full of events and
opportunities once again for our students.
We celebrated mass on three occasions this week as a community, which was
wonderful. On Thursday, we celebrated The Feast of the Ascension, with some of our
students taking part in the mass at The Abbey while we, as a school, participated
virtually with it being streamed into every form group.
Our Y11 and Y13 students also had their leavers' masses this week, which were both
moving and joyous, as we celebrated their time with us and wished them good luck
for their upcoming examinations.
Speaking of examinations, the season began in earnest this week with practical
examinations taking place. Furthermore, in preparation for all the other exams they will be taking, our Y11 students undertook boosters from Impress the Examiner while also receiving expert tuition from our own staff
before each of their exams, something which will continue as the weeks go by.
The assessments did not stop there, though, with our KS3 students also undertaking their assessment week.
We hope they all performed to the very best of their abilities.
Just a reminder that as we enter the summer and the warmer weather, hoodies are not allowed, and if a student wishes to wear another layer other than their coat, they can wear a black jumper under their blazer.
Their second layer should be their blazer, though, if they are too hot and not wear their jumper.
As always, punctuality continues to be a big focus for us, and I would again like to emphasize the
importance of students being in school on time. Students need to be on the playground before 8:45, but it is advisable for them to be there before 8:40 to avoid picking up a late sanction, as the gates close at 8:45 sharp.
Once again, please also be mindful of the significance of being in school and not taking time off. Though there are a few things going around once again, taking a day off means 5 hours of face-to-face teacher time lost, which is incredibly difficult to claw back. We know that if a student is in school regularly and in front of their expert teacher, they will receive better outcomes and therefore have many more opportunities open to them as they prepare for the next steps in their lives.
As always, thank you for your support with this.
Mr. Harrison
Vice Principal