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Message from the Principal
Dear Families
We are very much getting in to the exam season here at Campion. Whilst the official exam season doesn’t start till next Thursday this week there have been several examinations/coursework deadlines for the BTEC subjects as well as the Art and Fashion GCSE exam days. I am very grateful to all the staff involved in these as it is a monumental effort to get students well prepared and to support them in completing their coursework. Some of the art work produced by the students is staggering and something for us to be genuinely proud of.
So next Thursday sees the official start of the examination season with GCSE RE up first as well as some of the A level exams. We wish all of our students in year 11 and 13 in particular the very best of luck with all of their exams. They have been very well prepared by staff and there is a comprehensive programme of revision classes throughout the season to support them all. Please note that all students are still expected in school as normal during this time.
Next week we will be holding three Masses in school! On Wednesday we have our Mass for our year 11 students to ask God for his guidance and support for our students during this time. Thursday is the feast of the Ascension, a Holy day of Obligation. We will be streaming a mass to all students on this day. And then on Friday we have our Year 13 leavers Mass which is always a special occasion as we wish our leavers the very best for the future and ask God to guide and support them on their paths.
Just a reminder to ensure that your children have fully stocked pencil cases each day and these can be purchased from the main office for £5. Calculators can also be purchased there too.
May is the month of Our Lady Mary so I will leave you this prayer as well as a short prayer asking God and Mary to support our students during their exams.
Kind Regards
Mr Grant
Mary, our Mother, I come to you with my needs and beg you to help me. I honour you as my Mother and helper and trust in your love for me. Lead me on the path of virtue, and preserve me from every evil. Let me enjoy your protection and walk in your love and peace.
Lord, be with our Year 11 and 13 students over the coming weeks as they sit their examinations. Grant them strength, courage, knowledge and wisdom during this time.