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Message from the Principal
Dear Families
We have reached the end of a very busy half term and I’m sure we are all looking forward to the break.
Well done to all our year 11s and 13s who have been fantastic during their examinations. There has been a lot of positivity surrounding them so far and we continue to wish them all well as they reach this half way stage. I must thank the staff who have worked incredibly hard to support all the students. I know there are also classes being held over half term to further support the students.
If you get a chance I would recommend a visit to St Barnabas church on Erdington High St where there is an exhibition on the theme of Refuge. You will be able to see work from some of our students as well as students from the Abbey there and the exhibition runs till the 3rd June.
Next half term will be the last of this academic year and will also be a busy one with the end of the exams, sports days, review days, Year 11 prom and awards evenings amongst others to look forward to.
Please use half term to ensure that your child is fully school ready including full equipment and full uniform as well as bringing their own water bottle to school. It always makes such a difference when pupils are fully ready and prepared each day.
I hope you have a lovely half term break and will leave you with this short prayer
Father God, I ask that you bless my coming and going today. Be before me, behind me, and beside me - protect me and move me toward that which will bring me closer to you. Amen
Kind Regards
Mr Grant (Principal)