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Message from the Vice Principal
Dear Parents/Carers,
It was lovely to see our students return to us after the half-term break, looking smart, professional, and ready for the final half-term of the academic year. It has been noticeable this week, during line-up, how much pride our students are taking in their appearance as they represent our school community.
This week and over half-term, as is usual here at Campion, it has again been incredibly busy.
Year 11 have continued their focus on their GCSEs as they begin the final journey to the end of their exam period. As well as being in over half-term to work with our dedicated staff and an external provider, Impress Education, Year 11 have been attending school before each exam for booster sessions. We really hope they finish the final few weeks with the drive, determination, and dedication they have shown since the exams began.
Well done, Year 11! Alongside this, our Year 13 students have also been working hard
on their final preparations for their A Levels, taking the support and advice which has
once again been offered by the dedicated staff and 6th form team. Well done, Y13!
We had a wonderful celebration of Corpus Christi this week with a procession of the Blessed Sacrament from school and around the local community. This concluded at school with Benediction and a blessing for all those present and our school. Thank you to all those involved; it really was fantastic to see.
As we enter the final weeks of the year, I have spoken to the students this week about the importance of attendance and punctuality. Please remember that students need to be on the playground by 8:45 AM, but it is advisable for them to be there by 8:40 to avoid picking up a late sanction, as the gates close at 8:45 sharp. It is also important to note that if they arrive after 9:30, they will have a U code on their record, which affects their attendance even though they are in school. Please support your children in helping them to arrive at school on time, and thank you to all those students who do so on a regular basis.
Please also be mindful of the significance of being in school and not taking time off. Taking a day off means 5 hours of face-to-face teacher time lost, which is incredibly difficult to make up.
It really is significant and is evident in the table in the graphic below.
Have a wonderful and restful weekend.
Mr Harrison
Vice Principal