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Message from the Vice Principal
Dear Parents and Carers
As exam season draws to a close for most of our Year 11 and 13 pupils. I wanted to celebrate the resilience and efforts of our pupils. It has been positive and encouraging talking to the students after their exams; most have told me that they were able to do their best and demonstrate what they have learned. It is a gruelling and demanding time for our young people, but they have risen to the challenge, and we are proud of them.
The summer is term continues to be busy with a wide range of exciting curriculum events taking place. Our Year 10 historians have visited Kenilworth Castle as part of their history coursework, and we have a busy few weeks with our pupils preparing for and completing their Bronze and Silver Duke of Edinburgh expeditions.
I am delighted that we have been awarded fifteen places for our Year 8 pupils to take part in ‘Workplace Treks’. This is a fantastic and valuable opportunity for students to get an insight into the world of work. Birmingham Careers Hub, in association with Ahead Partnership, is providing our students the opportunity to visit three city centre workplaces, including introductions to the business, workplace tours, and hands-on activities within a variety of sectors. I am looking forward to sharing the success of this great careers encounter with you in a subsequent newsletter.
It was lovely to see so many parents attend our Whitemoor Lakes information evening. I know there is great excitement about the residential and the adventurous teambuilding activities awaiting our Year 7s.
I could not miss the opportunity to celebrate the tremendous success of our pupils in Gaelic Football. We have had the pleasure of celebrating their success, and there has been much to recognise and celebrate, in our morning line-up. Morning line-up is a fabulous opportunity to celebrate pupils’ achievements in and out of school. This week we celebrated our pupils taking part in Coley Folan tournament, League Finals and Northern Games in Manchester – well done to all involved.
Our punctuality drive has continued this week, and I am delighted that we are seeing improvements. I would like to reiterate the importance of supporting us in ensuring your son/daughter arrives on time. Pupils need to be on the playground no later than 8:40am to avoid receiving a late sanction. A reminder that the gates close at 8:45am. We are working hard at St Edmund Campion to ensure that we support our pupils to be in school five days a week. Every day off equates to five hours of missed learning and opportunities. We want our pupils to thrive and being in school gives pupils the best opportunities to do that. We
would also like to wish a very blessed Eid Mubarak to our Muslim community.
I leave you with a short prayer about the importance of letting God’s light shine through in all we do. I hope this final half-term will provide our pupils with the opportunity to do just that.
Mrs J. Quoroll
Vice Principal
Dear Lord,
Let your light shine on me. As the sun rises, Lord, let your light shine on me. The warmth of your Presence, the brightness of your love, the radiance of your joy, the shining of your hope. Let your light shine on me. As the sun rises, Lord, let your light shine on me. Your light to guide, your light to lead, your light to direct, your light to brighten. Let your light shine on me. Amen