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Message from the Principal

12 May 2023

Dear Parents/Carers

We are now at that time of year when the exam season is upon us. We wish all of our year 11 and 13 students the very best of luck over the next 6-7 weeks as they sit their GCSE and A level examinations. This year all conditions around exams, in particular grade boundaries, will be returning to pre-pandemic levels. There is a guide here for students and parents of students sitting exams from Ofqual and I do recommend that you read this information:

I know all of you sitting examinations will do us proud as a school and I know that you will all try your very best. There are lots of people you can go to if things get difficult whether that be your form tutors or the pastoral and safeguarding teams or indeed any member of staff who will only be too willing to listen and help. Remember to keep revising throughout and use the techniques you’ve been taught over the years as well as things like GCSEPod or the revision websites that your teachers will have shown you. It is important that you are attending all the revision sessions that are being held around the exam season.

We have a couple of vacancies on our governing body for a parent governor or a foundation governor. This is such an important role for schools and is very much a fantastic way to contribute to our local communities. If you are interested then please do get in touch with my PA Mrs Turner at

Just another reminder about equipment, uniform and attendance. It is crucial that all of our children are fully prepared each day. Our six standards help our students to do this and are the basic requirements to ensure our pupils are best prepared for learning every day.

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I will leave you with this prayer to wish our year 11s and 13s the very best in their examinations:

Dear Lord

We ask that you are with all of our students sitting exams over the coming weeks. We ask that you guide and support them and give them every opportunity to be of their very best. Keep them calm and well and help them to recall everything they have learnt over the years so that they can show You, their teachers, their loved ones and themselves their true potential.

We ask all this through your Son Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen


Kind Regards

Mr A. Grant

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