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Message from the Principal

26 May 2023

Dear Parents/Carers

I hope you are all enjoying the nice weather and here’s hoping it lasts during the half term break too. It has been another excellent week especially for our year 11 and 13 students sitting their exams. They have all coped extremely well with them all. We have some classes on next week over half term to help support the students and a big thank you to all the staff who are giving up their time next week to support. The exams recommence on our first day back (Monday 5th June) with GCSE English and French and A level Psychology and Maths. We are saying goodbye to our year 13s today with our leavers Mass. It is always a very emotional occasion when we say goodbye with most of the students having been with us here at Campion for seven years! A big thank you in particular to Mrs Griffiths who oversees our wonderful sixth form and who very much gives everything in ensuring they are well looked after and pushed to be their very best. I wish every one of them every success for their futures and remember: once a Campionite always a Campionite!

It is year 8 parents’ evening on Wednesday when we come back (7th June) and we look forward to welcoming all year 8 parents to this occasion. It is always a great opportunity to get feedback from your child’s various teachers.

Finally, a reminder to ensure that your children come to school now with water bottles. Our kitchen intends to move to a more sustainable approach in terms of single use plastics and a key aspect of this has always been the selling of drinks. Over time we will be starting to remove the selling of drinks in favour of hydration stations in school which pupils can use to fill up their water bottles. Can I ask then that you start ensuring that your children have a water bottle to bring with them which they can fill up at break and lunch.

Please also ensure that your child stocks up their pencil cases over half term so that they come to school each day fully prepared for their learning.

I hope you enjoy the half term break and look forward to seeing your children back with us on Monday 6th June. I will leave you with a well-known blessing for our year 13 leavers:

May the road rise up to meet you.

May the wind be always at your back.

May the sun shine warm upon your face;

the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again,

may God hold you in the palm of His hand.

Kind regards


Mr A Grant 

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