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Dear Parents/Carers
Thank you to all the year 8 parents who came to parents evening on Wednesday. It was a busy occasion and I hope you were all able to have some productive conversations with your child’s teachers.
Well done once again to all our year 11 and 13 students who continue to sit their public examinations. They continue to conduct themselves extremely well and we continue to keep them all in our prayers. Well done also to year 10 who sat their internal Maths exam this week and conducted themselves very well. It is very important that all pupils come to every exam fully prepared so please do ensure they have all the equipment they need.
We have had an amazing new seating system installed in our new look main hall and we are very much looking forward to showcasing it at our next key events which will be our year 6 induction evening and our awards evening later this term. There is also an information evening for the parents of those year 7 pupils going on the Whitemoor Lakes trip in July. Advance notice that year 10 parents’ evening will be on Wednesday 28th June, taking place in our sports hall.
The seating system is an example of the real investment going into the fabric of Campion. In the last year or so we have put new smart screens in every classroom to enhance the learning experience, purchased suites of laptops, installed a new astro turf and now we have a brand-new seating system in school which we are all very excited about!
With the hot weather this term, please can I urge you to ensure that your children come to school with their own water bottles. Pupils won’t be allowed out of lessons to get water so it is important that they use the hydration stations around school to keep their water bottles filled up. Please note as well that we will be expecting pupils in full uniform as normal. On those days when the weather is very hot we will allow pupils to come to school without blazers but we will inform you of this at the time.
I hope you all have an enjoyable weekend and I will leave you with this prayer of gratitude. Please continue to keep Caitlin in your thoughts and prayers as we pray for a full recovery for her following her accident over half term.
Lord, Thank you for walking with us through the seasons of our lives. For the winter when we are held safe in your arms through the darkness. For the hope of spring as we are filled with new promise and life. For summer time, full of warmth and colour. And for Autumn days as leaves fall to seed new growth. Amen
Kind regards
Mr A Grant