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Dear Parents/Carers
It was such a privilege to hold our 6th form open evening on Wednesday for our year 11 students who are interested in joining our outstanding 6th form next year. Evenings like this make one realise what a huge honour it is to be the Principal of such a fantastic school. There was a huge buzz around school and I hope all parents and students who came were able to ask lots of questions and get all the information you need. A huge thank you to all the staff who were there. The application form is now live on our website but there is plenty of time to choose your options.
The year 11 and post 16 mock exams begun this week very successfully. It is good to see the students well prepared and keen to take on the support being offered. We wish them every success in these exams.
Last Friday we held a very poignant Remembrance service during our morning line up. It was very moving to have the whole school take a moment to remember the sacrifices that others made for the freedoms we enjoy.
I am always very conscious of keeping politics out of my newsletter pieces and believe it is important that in our high-profile positions impartiality is important. However, there is an issue arising that is close to my heart and I believe affects the future of our students here at Campion. It is the issue surrounding BTEC qualifications which are facing an obsolete future. BTECs have been qualifications which have allowed many of our students to thrive and opened doors for them to Higher Education institutions. They are qualifications that have allowed our students to become nurses, midwives, sports therapists, technicians and business people to name just a few. Here at Campion we have always offered a variety of pathways for our students post 16 that includes A-levels and BTECs. BTECs unfortunately are under threat with the motion being proposed that students in the future will only be allowed to study one vocational qualification. If you would like to find out more then please visit the protect student choice website:
If I could take this opportunity to remind you of a few things:
• ParentMail is our primary form of contact so do download the app. If you are struggling with this then please contact our ICT services at or via the enquiries address at
• The winter months will be drawing in soon so please do start providing your sons and daughters with plain black V neck jumpers to wear under blazers. These are the only jumpers allowed.
• Equipment pencil cases can be purchased from the main office for £5
I’ll leave you with these words from St Padre Pio:
“The Lord sometimes makes you feel the weight of the cross. Although the weight seems intolerable, you are able to carry it, because the Lord, in His love and mercy extends a hand to you and gives you strength.”
Kind Regards
Mr A. Grant